Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Local Area Group Meeting 13.10.22
Our Local Area Group (LAG ) meeting will be held at the Silverdale Community Centre on Thursday 13th October 2022 at 7pm. The Police and local Councillors will be in attendance to discuss issues that concern residents. I hope we will see you there.
Local Area Group Meeting 2022 (L.A.G)
Our local area group meeting will be held at the centre on Wednesday 6th April at 7pm. The police and local Councillors will be in attendance and we hope to have a representative from National Highways to give us an update regarding the work being completed at Silverdale Island.
Silverdale A.G.M
Our A.G.M will be held in the early part of 2020 due to a delay of our accounts being finalised. Further details to follow.